Sunday, August 3, 2008

Another Post!

After hearing quite a few comments about how long it has been since I've posted I am finally getting around to posting again. Only 71 days to go until our little girl arrives. We can't wait. Beau was just put into the Bishopric as the Executive Secretary. I feel like I might be a single mom in a few months! But we are excited for his new calling and for the learning experience that it will be. We are heading to Arizona this week with my family, maybe you'll get another post next week too with the details of our trip! I'm not really looking forward to the long car ride and the hot weather (it was 112 degrees last week!), but I'm sure that we will have a great time with most of the time being spent at the pool!


Shelley said...

Kimmie!!! You look so darling! I can't wait to see your beautiful little girl...

Good luck in AZ....112?!?!? YUCK.

Jill said...

You look great Kimmie!

The Tracy's said...

You look sooo great and as Lex would say, "you have the glow".
Come see me.

Anika said...

Kimmie- why are you so pretty!? It was so fun to see you at the Beatle Mania concert! YAY!

Brian and Carly said...

You are just gorgeous! 68 days! Countdown is on!!!

Elizabeth said...

Kimmie! Congratulations! I am so excited for you to have a baby GIRL! I hope that all is well, and that you are feeling great!
Elizabeth English

Grammy Ludwig said...

you are such a sweetheart... mark says that there is nothing more beautiful than a pregnant woman and you are proof of that.
i miss you.. love you

Grammy Ludwig said...

thinking of you.. can't wait to see pictures !!! love you

Jill said...

Can't wait to see (when you get around to posting) the pictures of your little girl! I'm so excited for you Kimmie!

Grammy Ludwig said...

i saw a picture of her from carly !!!! she is darling !!!!!
love you honey!