Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Anna rolled over!

So my little girl is only 3 weeks old and she has already rolled over. She did it last Friday and I thought it was a fluke so I put her back on her stomach and she did it again and than again. Beau and I couldn't believe it and we knew no one else would. Today she looked like she was going to do it again so I grabbed the camera so I would have proof. She tries when she is on her back too but I think it will be awhile for that one. It scares me now though because I feel like I can't leave her anywhere anymore.


Jill said...

Are you kidding me?!?!?! That's awesome! Strong kid you made there. Wow!

Brian and Carly said...

Oh my gosh Kimmie! How cool! I agree with you...I would be scared to leave her anywhere! Go Anna you little cutie.

Anika said...


Er Bear said...

What the? I swear Bria sat up before she learned to roll over! Looks like you are gonna have your hands full!!

Katie said...

that is so funny...laker did the same thing at his 2 week appointment. his doctor was shocked...even more excited than i was! all in all i can't believe how big she is getting

Jared West said...

Congrats on little Anna! She is adorable! I cannot believe she is rolling over! She needs to come teach Livi a few tricks! Livi still refuses to walk! Hope you guys are doing good! You look great!

BeckyRuss said...

Kim-Congrats on little Anna! She's so beautiful--just like her mommy. I'm so glad she made it safe and I can't believe she's already rolling over! I'm not surprised since you said she was always moving in your belly :) I hope I get to see her soon and hold her. Let me know if I can do anything for you--I'm still fresh from having a newborn and I know it's hard work. Keep it up--it only gets better! Your cuz- Becky