Thursday, February 19, 2009

Anna is 4 months old now and I can't believe how fast time flies. I remember when I was working and I would look at the clock all day and now the day is over before I know it and I haven't gotten anything done! I feel like by the time I get the laundry done the basket is already full again. But I think this is the best job in the whole world. We took Anna to her 4 month apt the other day and she got more shots- which I hate. She looks so different to me than when she was born but she isn't putting on enough weight. She was in the 90th percentile when she was born but she weighed 12 pounds 13 ounces and is now in the 34th. Her length was also in the 90th but is now in the 50th. I swear all she does is eat but she spits up a lot too. I am not too worried though- she is a happy baby most of the time and she is doing great developmentally. She smiles all the time, laughs and makes the cutest sounds. Her favorite thing to do is sit ups all day long and now her abs are harder than mine! She still loves to roll over to her back from her tummy and can get half way to her tummy from her back. She sits up with help from her boppy or me and Beau and loves to stand when we hold her hands. We gave her rice cereal a couple weeks ago and she loved it but I worried it was too early so I stopped. I think I'll start again and see if it puts some weight on her.

She already knows how to get her way. She has started to cry or get mad when we take a toy away but one look like this and she gets it right back.


Jill said...

She looks so big! How would you say no to that face?! She's adorable!

BeckyRuss said...

Oh my goodness Kim! She's beautiful! She looks like such a good mix of the two of you. It's crazy how time flies huh. Enjoy it while you can cause before you know it they are walking around and you wonder where you little baby went. It's fun to watch them grow and get their little personalities.

Emily and Reese said...

What a DOLL Kimmie! She looks so adorable! I can't believe all the things she is able to do at four months! It's true what they say, time does go by way to fast! Love ya!

Ethnie said...

She is adorable. I am glad that you posted some cute pictures. We don't see you guys enough.
eth said...

Oh my heavens she is adorable. Avery is catching up to her, she weighed 12 pounds 2 oz at her four month. Yeah, those shots stink!!! I love her crying face. Its fun to see and compare our babies.

Brian and Carly said...

She has the best smile!!

byronandniki said...

She looks so different from when I saw her last. She is so cute!