Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

I can't believe how fast November just flew by. It's crazy that Thanksgiving is already over. It is one of my favorite holdidays so it makes me sad a little bit but I LOVE Christmas too so I'm excited for that. I love having all the decorations up and Anna is making it so much more fun this year. She loves the lights and the tree and she is being pretty good with it. I didn't put any ornaments on the bottom though just to be safe. Here are some pictures I took of Anna at the park while it was still Fall. She was loving the leaves and the swing and threw a huge tantrum that day when we tried to go home. I swear I didn't know tantrums started this young but this girl knows what she wants and she has the screaming, fall to the floor and hit all down. Don't let her smile fool you!
Anna loves babies and she loves to hug and give kisses. I was babysitting her cousin Creed and she just wanted to hug him the whole time. I am not sure he liked it too much. She is not shy at all. The other day we were waiting for our car while the oil was being changed and she went right up to like a 6 or 7 year old boy and gave him a big hug and she is always chasing the other boys around church when we are out in the hall. Beau is really going to have to watch this one. These are Anna's 3 favorite things-her binkie, her baby, and her milk.
This was Thanksgiving day. We went up to my Mom and Dad's house this year.

I guess the turkey got to her. She was out the whole way home.

We tried to take our family picture while we were up there. They didn't turn out so well and so we have nothing for our Christmas card. Who would have thought it would be so hard to get three people to smile in a picture- I don't know what we are ever going to do with more kids.

We even tried to take more at Temple Square when we went up the day after Thanksgiving. Those didn't turn out too well either. Oh well better luck next year I guess.

Anna loved the lights at Temple Square and all the people. I often wonder why I even bring her stroller when she only sits in it for 30 seconds before insisting to get out and wander all over the place not even caring if anyone she knows is around. I followed behind her while she just walked and smiled at every stranger we passed by. Where did this girl come from? I used to cling to my mom's legs every time we were in public.


Steele Hendershot said...

Love all the pictures, temple square looks like fun. I am sad that we can't go to temple square this year. We are having a totally different christmas experince... always a trade off. It will be memorable though!