Saturday, April 12, 2008

We are Expecting!!!

If you've checked my blog recently you have probably noticed the baby countdown. I'm horrible at posting and Caitlyn added the countdown, but I should probably comment on the exciting news! Beau and I got the great surprise in February, and although it is unexpected we couldn't be happier. I'm due October 12th and am already counting down the days. I haven't been one of the lucky ones that doesn't experience morning (or all day) sickness, but now that I'm 14 weeks along I'm beginning to feel better. Beau is convinced that we are having a boy and I'll be happy with either. Caitlyn will probably be the one to post the sex of our baby when we find out, but sooner or later I'll make sure the word gets out! Until then we'll let you make a guess, check out the poll on the right.


Anika said...

I think it's girl! Congratulations- I love ya!

heidi larsen said...


congratulations! that is such exciting news! i hope you continue to feel better!


paulnmea said...

WHATTTTT???????? Wow, and to think I wasn't going to check your blog because it takes weeks for you to post something new! Ha ha. Congratulations! And I would like to be the first to welcome you to the wonderful world of motherhood. Even though you don't have your sweet baby yet, day 1 of morning sickness and going to the Dr. to pee in a cup all counts! YEAH!!!

Kati said...

Kimmie, I am so excited for you. Hope it is a girl, it is fun when you have a baby close to your sister. Niki and I had our boys only five months apart and they are the best of friends and parteners in crime. Addie needs a partener in crime.