Wednesday, May 14, 2008


We went up to Idaho last weekend for a homecoming and my cousin, who is a Radiologist, did an ultrasound for us so we found out a couple of weeks early. We went to the hospital Saturday night so no one was there and we got to spend as much time as we wanted just looking at her. My family got to come in and see her too. It was amazing. It makes it all seem so much more real. She doesn't hold still either- she's a little mover and her heartbeat is super fast- I'm a little worried I'm going to have my hands full. Now I know what she's doing when I feel her though. I think Beau is a little disappointed but he won't admit it. He is going to be the best dad. I know she is going to be a little daddy's girl. I just can't wait for her to get here. And I now want to buy every little outfit that I see. I am going to be in trouble!


Brian and Carly said...

Ya Kimmie! So excited for you both!!! I thought Bri was a little disapointed, but now that she's here...I can't imagine him with a boy! He's such a softy...Love ya!

Anika said...

YAY TIMMIE! I am so excited for your shower! LOL! We are going to spoil her!

Er Bear said...

congrats! i love little girls.... poor carter, no boy cousins!! ha! she is going to be so beautiful! Bria is such a daddy's girl! she was like that in the womb too, and she is getting soo busy, my hands are definately full! good luck:)

Sara said...

Hey Kimmie! It's Sara Andersen (Greenwood)!! I am so happy you have joined the blogging world!! It gets addicting!!! YEAH! Congrats on the the little girl!!! They are the best!!! I would love to keep in contact with you! Our blog is private so just email me your email and I will add you!!!!! said...

Hey Kimmie, I found you in the blog world! Congrats on your baby girl... Tiff probably told you but we are expecting too. I had an ultra sound last week but it was hiding! I'm dying to find out. I think you are a couple of weeks ahead of me. We will have to keep in contact! My blog is

Laura & Rusty Jensen said...

Congrats, its a girl. When it comes down to it and we have a baby I think that i will be the one disapointed if it is not a girl