Yesterday was Anna's very first birthday and I can't believe one year has gone by since she was born. What a great year it has been. She is such a good girl. The first six months were a little harder than the last six but once she could be a little more independent she has been a little angel. She is the happiest baby in the world.
In honor of my little Anna I want to make a list of some of her favorite things.
1. She LOVES to smile.
2. She loves to randomly laugh about nothing (in a Pee Wee Herman sort of way-Tiff thats for you!)
3. She loves to clap her hands espicially to Pat-a-cake
5. She loves to eat. If you have food she suddenly becomes your best friend.
6. She loves to say Mmmm if she sees food or espicially likes what she is eating.
7. She loves to walk. In this picture she is upset because I wasn't letting her walk (at an Alta football game packed full of people and that is all she wanted to do.)
8. She loves her friends. She loves her cousin Addie and has a little picture of them that she carries around while she says Addie.

9. She loves her baby doll and all her toys. She loves to hold her baby and rock her. (And yes I am watching Giuliana and Bill in the background.)

10. She loves animals. She loved chasing these ducks and she loves my dog Reggie. She loves to say doggy and growl like a lion for any animal she sees.

11. She loves the bathtub. I could leave her in there all day but she also loves to stand up in the bathtub so it usually cuts her time short as I get sick of making her sit down.

12. She loves to explore and climb up on everything. If she sees something she wants she is going to get it.

13. She loves to say Mommy, Daddy, wassat (what's that), wow, baby, doggy, night night, hi (in a real flirty voice), hello, tree, no no, Nanna.
9. She loves her baby doll and all her toys. She loves to hold her baby and rock her. (And yes I am watching Giuliana and Bill in the background.)
10. She loves animals. She loved chasing these ducks and she loves my dog Reggie. She loves to say doggy and growl like a lion for any animal she sees.
11. She loves the bathtub. I could leave her in there all day but she also loves to stand up in the bathtub so it usually cuts her time short as I get sick of making her sit down.
12. She loves to explore and climb up on everything. If she sees something she wants she is going to get it.
13. She loves to say Mommy, Daddy, wassat (what's that), wow, baby, doggy, night night, hi (in a real flirty voice), hello, tree, no no, Nanna.
14. She loves to not sleep. But she is getting better.
15. She loves getting chased and screaming really loud when she gets caught..
16. She loves her mommy (and her daddy).
17. She loves people. She is much happier when we are out around people than home all day.
18. She loves to dance. Any time music comes on she just starts dancing and is so proud of herself.
19. She loves to play in the toilet, or the garbage, or with the broom-whatever is dirtiest.
20. She loves to play peek-a-boo.
21. She loves to jabber all the time.
22. She loves to click her tongue and thinks its the coolest thing ever.
23. She loves to read books and whisper like she is reading the words.
24. She loves to pull apart the diaper bag and my wallet.
25. She loves to play with the dishwasher and pull out all the silverware.
And for all these reasons and so many more we love our little girl.
Happy Birthday Anna Banana. We love you.

she is definitely the most smiley baby ever. I love it! Happy Birthday little Anna!
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