I haven't posted in a while but not a whole lot has happened. We are in the middle of finals at our house so everything has kind of revolved around that. We can't wait until they are over and Beau gets a nice long break of a week and half until it starts all over! But we serioulsy can't believe how fast its going. Only one year until he is done- with this portion of his schooling anyway. Anna turned 18 months old and is as crazy as ever. She HATES the doctor and cried the whole time the nurse or doctor was in there no matter what they were doing. If either of them even touched her she would scream ouchie, ouchie. What a drama queen! She was 90th in head and height and 60th in weight. Her cousin Creed came over today and she had so much fun. She loves friends and is in heaven when she has someone to play with. She gets a little sick of hanging out with me all day. I couldn't keep these two still to get a picture, Creed is now walking and they were all over the house!

She also went to nursery for the first time last week and I don't think she missed me at all. She went right in a started playing and as I was on my way to Sunday School got asked to sub in primary so I went back to tell them where I would be if they needed me. I opened the door and she was standing right there and I though oh no she is going to be upset but she couldn't care less and just turned around and started playing again. She was excited to see me (I hope) when I went to get her at the end but was mad she had to leave. Where did this social girl come from?

We are so happy for the warm weather when it comes but this time of year is the worst. Summer one day, winter the next. Anna spends a majority of her day standing by the door saying "go outside"- which is fine on warm days but she doesn't really get it when its raining. The other day I just opened the door during a hail storm and let her stand right there so she would know why we couldn't go outside- she was a little more hesitant but I think she still wanted to go out anyway.

Justin graduated from BYU in December and my mom made him walk this month. I tried to go to it with Anna but we spent the whole time out in the corridor of the Marriott Center. But Anna had a ball and made lots of new friends.

Anna just loves the bathtub espicially with lots of bubbles. Life in generally is just pretty exciting for her!
Glad to see what you've been up to. And I feel ya on the school. Jared had that week long break but now it's nose back to the grindstone! Oh well, almost done!
Good to hear what you guys have been up to. I wish Will would go to nursery with out any problems. He lasts ten minutes and then without fail they bring him to either Hunter or I screaming. We'll see how long it takes him to grow out of it. For now Hunter and I take nursery shifts.
We are all wishing we could have a nice bubble bath! Your pictures are so cute...I am glad Anna is so social, Belle is turning out to be that way too. They are going to be great friends. Belle stands at the door and says I wanna go walk, Please Mom. If I say no her fake tears come out! She is already a tease and has things figured out on how to get her way! We miss you guys!
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