Saturday, October 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Anna

I can't believe my little girl is almost one. This year has gone so fast. Her birthday isn't for a couple of weeks but Dave and Candice are moving next week so we did it a little early. The weather said it was supposed to be 70 degrees . . . it wasn't. But we had fun anyway. Beau and I have different opinions about what Birthdays should be- I think that they are a BIG deal- it only comes once a year, right? Beau thinks it doesn't matter all that much, Anna will have no memory of this day, and its not Christmas. I won this year- we'll see how it goes in the future.

Anna LOVED her cake. I would put the video up of her eating it but Beau just kept recording for like 10 minutes and I don't know how to cut it down. She kept saying Mmmm the whole time which it what she always says when she eats something she really likes (usually something really sweet- I'm afraid she got that from me!)

I just wanted to add this one in because I think I have the cutest husband and baby in the world.

Don't look too closely at the sign. We did her party in between conference sessions which gave me about 15 minutes to get to the park with all our stuff and set up. We didn't start on time. Maybe it was good though because I can be a perfectionist and I probably would have spent a 1/2 hour making sure that sign was perfectly centered and said Happy Birthday Anna not the other way around.
Albertson's made her cake and I have to say I was surprised- it was actually pretty good. They also give you the little one for free on your child's first birthday. Not a bad idea considering not much is actually eaten. All in all it turned out well- thanks everyone for coming and for spoiling Anna with all your cute gifts.


Miriam Ika Marshall said...

she is adorable!! they grow so fast!! i hope you had a great day!! i love her flower headband!! so cute!!

Tiffany Johnson said...

fun party! sorry we had to leave so early. I would have loved to stay and see her face covered in cake. It's the best part of a one year old's party! Thanks for letting us come and be a part of it. She is adorable! Happy Birthday sweet Anna!

Er Bear said...

All kidding aside, I think you have the cutest little girl in the whole world!! She is beautiful... and always smiling! I can't believe we have never seen her. Happy birthday Anna:)

Dezi & Brock said...

The swing picture is great! Haha! I so wish we could've been there for it! Happy Birthday Anna!