Sunday, June 6, 2010


Anna is obsessed. This girl doesn't have a very long attention span but if you put on Tinkerbell its a whole new story. We now have the whole movie memorized. I don't let her watch that much TV but it is nice to have something to distract her while I jump in the shower instead of her pulling everything out of the bathroom cabinets! She is particular about how she watches it too- she likes to watch it in our bedroom at the base of our bed leaning up against pillows. There have been a couple of times that I have been carrying her into her room half asleep to go to bed at night that she looks up at me and says "inkerbell?"

She is just mesmerized as she watches it and Beau and I can't get enough of all her faces!


Dowland Fam said...

That is Emmie. Not so much with just Tinkerbell, but with movies in general. She loves them. She makes faces and giggles and cries with all the appropriate parts. We love it!

Ethnie said...

She is a doll. I love the pictures of her watching the movie. I can't believe she has it memorized! Boys don't quite give the same reactions . . . at least my boy doesn't. Will did surprise us once and made it through an entire movie, Finding Nemo, but he hasn't watched it since.