Saturday, May 28, 2011

The last couple of months. . .

This post is really long because I haven't posted in a while. There has been a lot going on the past couple of months so here's the recap.

Josh came home!!!! We are so happy that Josh is FINALLY home from his mission. He served in Brazil and came home May 20th. It is so fun to have him around again. Dave and Candice came back for the weekend and we had so much fun. My parents and brothers went to pick Josh up in Brazil and brought back some souvenirs. Here are all the kids in their t-shirts.

We have been potty training Anna and I decided to get some things from the dollar store so she wasn't getting candy every time she went. I guess I got my money's worth! Anna was only slightly concerned when her head popped off followed by every other body part.

Anna has had enough of winter in May (as have we all!) she took matters into her own hands and put her raincoat and boots on and decided she wanted to play with bubbles anyway.

The really big news of the month is Beau's graduation! We are so proud of him! He also took his boards this last week and passed so its been a good month.

Luke had his 4 month appointment and weighed 18 lbs 6 oz and was 27 inches long. 96th and 97th percentiles. This shirt was made for him- little big man! He is the happiest cutest baby in the world- I'm not biased am I?

Anna loves the temple. I think we have finally convinced her it is not a castle and Sleeping Beauty doesn't live there- but it definitely took some convincing!

Creed had his 2 year old birthday party at the Provo Beach Resort. Anna is no longer scared of the carousel but I think the Hendershot boys had a little more fun than the kids!

I'm not quite sure what happened to all of our Easter pics but we had a great Easter. Anna went to a couple of Easter egg hunts and would skip all the eggs except the pink ones! She was also spoiled by the Easter bunny! Luke's not quite sure about the rice cereal he got (he still just wants his mommy's milk and obviously isn't starving so we'll stick to that for now) but he loved his toys and is getting so good at grabbing and playing with them. I tried to take pictures of them in their Easter outfits and as you can see below it didn't work out so well. After this picture we gave up but I tried again with just Luke when Anna was napping and got luckier as you can see above.